Thursday, June 16, 2011

I'm Just So Perfectly Perfect - Except When I'm Not

This is going to be a quick post as I have a drum lesson in less than a half hour and it takes roughly fifteen minutes to get there.  Yeah, I said drum lesson.  A friend of mine plays the drums and thought it would be a good idea to give drum lessons to underprivileged children (or just any children) this summer. Great idea! He also thought it would be a good idea to have me be the "guinea pig" to see if they actually work. Not as good an idea. I was "eh okay" at the clarinet and not that dedicated to the guitar, so those drums....yeah, probably not going to be much different. But we'll give it a shot.

A crazy thought just went across my mind.  It's already the middle of June and I haven't really done anything mind blowingly awesome that I can look back and think, "Dang, that was one amazing summer. Nothing will top that." So now that is my new mission.  I'm determined to make the rest of this summer as amazingly mind blowing as I can.

 Peace out, girl scout.

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