Friday, July 22, 2011

Pajama jeans vs. Jeggings: battle of the spandex-denim blend

                Watch out jeggings!  There’s a new kid on the block, and I’m not talking about the once popular boy band of the 80’s.  Pajama Jeans have taken American society by storm with their appealing combination of both the look of denim jeans and the comfort of pajama bottoms. 
                Pajama Jeans, founded in 2010 by Pajama Jean Inc., introduced themselves to Americans everywhere with an unintentionally comical commercial and fun slogan, “So comfortable, you’ll want to sleep in them!” which only got me thinking about all of the half-witted ideas America has come up with to make life easier for the common man, or woman, in this case.  With ideas like Cat Toilet Training Kit, Sham Wow, and Head On - “apply directly to the forehead”, it’s no wonder the makers of Pajama Jeans believed their product would have local retailers fighting off soccer moms and comfort lovers alike.  But has this new product instilled American pride, or are the undefeated new fashion champions, jeggings, still reigning over consumers?
                If you were to look in any halfway decent mall or high school, you would undeniably find at least one person sporting the newest defender in the fashion world: jeggings.  For those who are not aware of what exactly jeggings are, simply pull the word apart and there you have it.  Jeggings are just your everyday combination of jeans and leggings which give off the impression that the girl from homeroom is wearing denim, but really she’s just trying to hide her underwear lines because her jeggings are too tight.  Now, it may seem like I’m ripping apart poor, defenseless jeggings, which would be almost impossible to do with the spandex-denim blend, but I am in fact an owner of at least one pair of these modern day miracles of science and I have to say they really aren’t that bad. 
                Now, it may seem that as an owner of jeggings I would be biased to their stretchy ways, but that is entirely untrue.  While jeggings can give a person the feeling of flexibility and style, Pajama Jeans claim to offer more than just the peace of mind that no one knows what you’re really wearing.  In the now infamous Pajama Jean infomercial, the makers of the new pant state their product is “perfect for travel, exercise, shopping, and more!” and as an added bonus you can receive a free grey crew neck t-shirt to wear with your new purchase.  I don’t see the makers of jeggings throwing free gifts at their consumers or promising them they’ll want to crawl into bed with their jeggings and never come out.
                But when it comes right down to it, would you be caught in something that not only boasts multiple uses but also high fashion, or would you metaphorically die from embarrassment once word got out that you’re sporting Pajama Jeans?  When it comes to stylish comfort, you have to weigh your pros and cons, or you could simply throw on some sweatpants and get essentially the same effect.  Which will you decide?