Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sweet Land of Liberty

Happy 4th! Well, almost 4th.  Time to celebrate all that is great about this country while sporting half-priced American flag tank tops (only found at Old Navy)...kinky.
Today, I went to the "big city" with my mother to waste some time and shop around.  She ended up buying me an, uhm...expensive camera because of my budding interest in photography.  This made me realize, my mother would do LITERALLY anything to make my dreams become a reality.  She is truly awesome, no matter how many times she drives me up.a.wall.  But in all honesty, it's a wonderful thing to have someone in your life who would go out on a limb just so you can follow a dream...a feeling...a passing thought?  Even though it's the fourth of July and not Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for her.
Now, that I'm a big girl (in age not width...although at the rate I'm downing Oreos these days, maybe that too) I've been looking up computers for school this coming fall.  I talked to a cute salesguy at Best Buy today, and although I had already been looking at the Macbook Pro, he laughed at my corny jokes and that almost sealed the deal.  Just kidding, I'm not THAT weak.  Gosh.  But I just don't know if Apple is really all that more special than other brands.  I know a lot of people swear by the half-eaten apple, but I'm just not sure.  It would have the photo and video capabilities I'm looking for, but for that price? Eh, perhaps.
On an unrelated note, I got a letter from a friend of mine who is pursuing a career in the Air Force.  It was a brief note, just enough info to make sure I knew the address to write back.  But in it he told me he got the position of dorm chief (which is the highest rank someone in his position can get). I'm really proud of this guy.  He's had this dream for so long, and now he's going after it.  And he's not only going after it, he's being recognized as someone they trust and respect enough to be in charge of 40+ guys for 6 months.  He told me to follow my dreams, and he's definitely leading by example.  I cannot wait to see where his life takes him, because I know it will be amazing.
Side Note: As I'm typing this, my high school musical from this year (on DVD) is playing in the background...and I have to say this - OFF KEY, GUYS.
Mr. Eagle says, "Have a safe Independence Day, everyone."  Look at his face.  Serious.

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