Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I'm Back - Didya Miss Me?

I've been sitting at my computer for the past 5 minutes trying to find the words that would capture and sum up my entire trip to Mexico.  Alas, I have not found these words.  I'm a firm believer in the lifestyle choice of  "Actions Speak Louder Than Words"  However, in my quest to share my journey with you, I have to share my story by showing rather than telling.  Here are some pictures that won't give you an "inside look", won't show you what it was really like, won't help you understand how this trip made me feel, and will never capture what I'm really trying to say - but at least I won't have to try and explain myself this way. Enjoy :)

Chilling in a Mexican Hammock.  Oh, the life.
So cute! creepy?
Crowded and colorful.  I wanted a flamingo so very badly.
My favorite towel animal - Miss Monkey :)
My dance family after recieving a Standing O for our cruise performance :)
Some Mexican goods for American turistas to peruse.
Last Night on the ship
In Mobile, Alabama, walking the streets.
Friendlies and I off to enjoy some Mexican fun!
My first taste of the ocean :)
Sheer Beauty

Since getting back, I haven't felt the same.  I feel like something inside of me has changed, but I honestly can't put a finger on it and it's annoying me to no end.  It's like I'm in a haze and can't find my way out.  The last night of the cruise was by far the craziest night and I guess it made me realize that I have a whole new world of experiences waiting for me beyond the realm of my small town.  Now the question remains, am I feeling monotonous because I'm ready to leave - or is there something I'm missing that I feel needs to be back in my life? 

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