Friday, January 21, 2011

Split-Brain Research

Finally it's a friday! I feel like I was literally dragging my feet through the halls for a good two days of this week (and it was a three dayer).  Oh well, I guess that's what I get for throwing geometry on my schedule. Seriously, what was I thinking? If geometry was a burning building, I would not call the fire department. So I guess that's what I'll blame world problems on-geometry. Tsunami in the Pacific? Geometry.  Global warming? Geometry. Britney Spears shaves her head again? Yeah, probably because of geometry.  I'm a "right brain" thinker (learned that in psychology today) and the whole numerical this-answer-will-always-be-the-answer-until-you-die-and-even-after-that business that is math makes me want to scream just a 'lil bit. Because, if there is ANYTHING that Seussical the Musical has taught me it's that ANYTHING'S possible! <----They even made that concept into a song! C'mon, life doesn't get much better than living in oblivion thinking that anything's possible.  Or maybe they have a medical term for people who believe that? Probably, they have medical terms for everything...and who are "they" anyway...
Kind of a strange picture, but...point proven
(I just learned how to change the font on my posts...score)

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