My show choir senior friends and I holding our 2nd place trophy from a different competition, Southern Wells :) |
Thisweekend has been very...interesting to say the least. Flashback to Friday, our school called a two-hour delay (thank you, Mama Nature) and so the schedule was turned all around and I started out with 4th period, Knight Vision (my school's show choir). Things weren't going so hot and people were not focusing like they should have been considering we had a competition the next day. Everyone was ticked off by the end, but the bell had rung and we all went our separate ways. Well that night I received a lovely forward by an underclassmen that claimed the seniors pretty much thought they were the shiz and commanded around everyone else (to keep it short and a lot more sweet than the message actually was). And boom goes the dynamite. The creators of the message and the seniors came to an agreement to disagree and cool off so we could come together and compete the next day. So, next day. My alarm goes off at 4 a.m. and I was actually in a pretty decent mood considering it was extremely early to be curling my hair. We get to the competition and it's time to go! I LOVE LOVE LOVE competing in...well, pretty much everything...so show choir competitions are like a high to me. So fun :) We get out there and do our thang and it feels great. There is really nothing that compares to the feeling of music running through your veins, all eyes on you, lights on your face, all of your friends and teammates surrounding you, all working for the same thing. It's incredible (and I'm going to miss it so much next year. I can't think about it or else I'll get in a funky depressed mood and think I'm fat, and I can't deal with that right now). My jaw practically hit the floor watching other show choirs strut their stuff onstage after we performed. Some of them were nothing short of in.cred.eh.ble. After one particular show choir (complete with knee-high candy apple red boots) was finished I informed my friends that I had to go throw out my very tasteless gum. So I head out of the auditorium and walk towards a trash can. I mindlessly throw my gum into the trash can as I notice a
Red Boot sitting on top of a bunch of fabric. I think to myself that it's so odd that someone would throw away a red boot when I notice that it was the costume bin of the last show choir to perform, not a trash can, that I had thrown my gum into. I quickly grabbed my gum and made a dash for it as I ran into a very tall (and probably cute) guy, mumbling to myself the whole time. Flash forward to awards. My friendly Caitlin and I were the presenters (*ahem* award fetchers) that day and as they were announcing awards for all class C show choirs my hands got sweaty and my heart beat irregular. "Here we go! Here we go! Here we go!"<-----Mari's internal voice. "And class C 2nd runner up, River Valley Blah Blah Blah!"<----announcer's external voice. "Oh crap, everything we were working for and everyth...." <---Mari's internal voice being interrupted by ---->"Class C 1st runner up, Crestview Knight Vision!!!!!!!!" <----announcer's very enthusiastic external voice. "AHHHHHHH!!!" <----Mari's semi-internal voice and body language as she bounce-runs down the risers and excitedly runs in heels to the trophy holder people. "And Most Dynamic Performer Award goes to, Mari Young!"<----announcer's external voice once again. "Whaaaaa!?!?" <---Mari's internal voice as she is handed award and huge smile is splitting her face in half.
Now THOSE were the moments I had been waiting to happen for so long. So in the end, we pulled it off and came away 1st runner-ups :) (I refuse to say 2nd place because 1st runner-up sounds so much better).
I <3 show choir.